Dispensation portal

Easy global prescribing using our popular electronic prescription service

We provide a fully integrated electronic prescription service including a prescription builder with local and global, generic and branded products. Prescriptions are automatically send to the patient portal and can be accessed by the pharmacist through the dispensation portal.

Track dispensation history

Our electronic prescription service displays your patient’s dispensation history for each medication you prescribe.

Choice of pharmacy

Our dispensation portal is accessible by any pharmacy through a secure code system available through the patient portal.

Prescription in patient portal

Authorising the prescription sends it to the patient portal with a patient notification.

Prevent multiple dispensations

The dispensation portal records and displays all dispensations. Once fully dispensed, the prescription is closed and any further dispensation prevented.

How it works (for the pharmacist)?

1. Go to prescription.freddiemed.com

2. Enter the prescription number and authentication code

3. Enter the quantity you are dispensing

4. Click dispense

5. Enter name and phone number (first time only)